Impact on Quality of Life following Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) directed conservative management for Pectus Carinatum
This study plans to identify if there are any changes in the quality of life for children/ teenagers who complete a multi-disciplinary led programme for the conservative management of pectus carinatum. The population group will be individuals between 12-17 who present to Beacon Pectus Clinic with pectus carinatum deformity. Outcomes will include patient compliance and evaluation questionnaires at various intervals, along with repeated completion of 3D scanning. These outcomes will be analysed to answer the question of whether an MDT led programme for conservative management of pectus carinatum has any impact on quality of life for children/ teenagers.
Horizon 2020 CHAMELEONS project: Applications welcomed from PhD students, Postdoc or Research Assistants

Calls for expressions of interest
Beacon Hospital is involved in the EU Horizon 2020 funded project CHAMELEONS, Championing A Multi-sectoral Education and Learning Experience to Open New pathways for doctoral Students.
This 2 year doctoral education programme is intended to broaden employment opportunities for those with an interest in connected health. Applicants from UCD or NUI Maynooth will get the opportunity to participate in this European network aimed at tailored education and training to PhD students.
This program consists of bespoke modules aimed to develop a doctoral network, improve research study management skills and employability.
Each module attracts 5 ECTS credits.
Depending on the health situation, students may have the opportunity to avail of funded travel to Portugal and Spain to participate in their learning.
This project is an EU-wide training program and more information can be accessed via the link below:
The application deadline for this project has been extended past March 1st 2021. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 873105.
The principal investigator at Beacon Hospital is Dr Victoria McEneaney.

A National Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Physical Wellbeing Study
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a progressive deformity of the spine normally starting in early puberty. The disorder can result in significant musculoskeletal deformity, pain, impaired lung capacity, reduced cardiovascular output and long-term physiological problems. This project involves 4 studies designed to assess the effects of clinical interventions aimed at halting or reversing curve progression in mild, moderate and severe AIS patients. This study will recruit 240 individuals to participate over the next 3 years.