Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial, Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (REMAP – CAP)

This study will use a study design known as a REMAP: a Randomised, Embedded, Multifactorial, Adaptive Platform trial. The broad objective of this REMAP is, over time, to determine and continuously update the optimal set of treatments for community-acquired pneumonia in a traditional clinical trial. Selected patients are allocated to receive one treatment from a short list of alternatives (typically one or two). Different questions are tested sequentially. Patients who are eligible for participation in REMAP – CAP will be randomised to receive one intervention in each of one or more categories of treatment (“domains”). These interventions can be tested simultaneously. This trial is being ran under the direction of Beacon Hospital ICU Intensivist Dr Daniel Collins.
Further information can be found here: https://www.remapcap.org/
Short PeRiod IncideNce sTudy of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection “SPRINT – SARI”

SPRINT – SARI is an international, multi-centre, prospective, short period incidence observational study of patients in participating hospitals and intensive care units (ICUs) with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI). The primary aim of this study is to establish a research response capability for a future epidemic / pandemic through a global SARI observational study. The secondary aim of this study is to investigate the descriptive epidemiology and microbiology profiles of patients with SARI. The tertiary aim of this study is to assess the Ethics, Administrative, Regulatory and Logistic (EARL) barriers to conducting pandemic research on a global level. Further information can be found here: https://isaric.tghn.org/sprint-sari/
The Principal investigator from Beacon Health Research Institute involved in this study is Dr Patrick Breen.
TEAM Trial: Trial of Early Activity and Mobility in ICU (TEAM-RCT)

Invasive mechanical ventilation(IMV) IS a life-saving intervention, however patients receiving this intervention are typically confined to bed with no active exercise. This immobilisation contributes substantially to the development of muscle weakness and wasting, which are associated with increased hospital length of stay, increased mortality after hospital discharge, and poor long-term functional recovery.
TEAM Trial is a multicentre, assessor-blinded, randomised, controlled, parallel-group, phase III clinical trial involving 750 critically ill adult patients across 35 sites worldwide.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of early activity and mobilisation during prolonged IMV on the composite outcome ”days alive and out of hospital to day 180”. The effect of intervention on mortality, health status, physical function, and cognitive function at day 180, as well as the cost-effectiveness of the intervention, will also be evaluated.
To find out more about this innovative research currently underway at Beacon Hospital please click on the following links; https://www.iccctn.org/21-research/currently-recruiting-ctn-supported-trials/44-team-trial
The Principal Investigator from Beacon Hospital involved in this study is Dr Daniel Collins.