Radiotherapy Trials
Radiotherapy clinical trials was established in Beacon in 2009. The trials unit was created with the aim of carrying out high quality cancer research by means of clinical trials on the use of new techniques for the benefit of all patients. This has been achieved through the participation of and collaboration with National and International clinical trials groups from US, UK, Canada, Australia as well as active memberships with Cancer Trials Ireland, IRROG (Irish Radiotherapy Research Oncology Group) and EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer).

Currently open and actively recruiting:
1) DASL-HiCaP: Darolutamide Augments Standard Therapy for Localized High-Risk Cancer of the Prostate (ANZUP1801).
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of adding darolutamide to ADT and radiation in either the primary definitive setting or high risk postoperative setting.
Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial and Economic Evaluation of Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Comprehensive Treatment of Oligometastatic (1-3 metastases) cancer”
This is a study assessing the impact of Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) treatment compared to standard of care treatment, on overall survival, treatment outcomes and quality of life in patients with 1-3 metastatic lesions. Beacon have opened this trial directly with BC Cancer Canada.
This is a randomized phase 3 trial of adding darolutamide to radiation and androgen deprivation therapy in high risk, clinically localized prostate
3) Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy of high risk Centrally Located T1/T2 N0M0 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer+Selected T3(SOURCE)
Phase II non randomised, multi-centre single arm trial of image guided SABR for high risk centrally located lung tumours and single pulmonary oligometastatic lesions. This is a nationally run clinical trial in collaboration with St lukes Radiation Oncology Network and Cancer Trials Ireland
NRG-GU005: Phase III IGRT and SBRT vs IGRT and Hypofractionated IMRT for Localized Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer.
ICORG 0817: A Prospective Phase II Dose Escalation Studt using IMRT for High Risk Prostate Cancer
ICORG 15-05: Phase II Study of Stereo Radiosurgery/Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Patients with Oligorecurrent disease
ICORG 14-07: (ENZARAD) Randomised phase III trial of enzalutamide in androgen deprivation therapy with radiation therapy in high risk clinically localized prostate cancer
CTRIAL IE-15-46: PACE: The Pace Trial (Prostate Advances in Comparative Evidence) is an International randomized study of prostatectomy vs stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) and conventional radiotherapy vs SBRT for organ confined prostate cancer.